148 research outputs found

    RNA: Networks & Imaging

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    The past few years have brought about a fundamental change in our understanding and definition of the RNA world and its role in the functional and regulatory architecture of the cell. The discovery of small RNAs that regulate many aspects of differentiation and development have joined the already known non-coding RNAs that are involved in chromosome dosage compensation, imprinting, and other functions to become key players in regulating the flow of genetic information. It is also evident that there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of other non-coding RNAs that are transcribed from the mammalian genome, as well as many other yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs. In the recent symposium RNA: Networks & Imaging held in Heidelberg, the dual roles of RNA as a messenger and a regulator in the flow of genetic information were discussed and new molecular genetic and imaging methods to study RNA presented

    Affinity, stoichiometry and cooperativity of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) binding to nucleosomal arrays

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    Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) participates in establishing and maintaining heterochromatin via its histone-modification-dependent chromatin interactions. In recent papers HP1 binding to nucleosomal arrays was measured in vitro and interpreted in terms of nearest-neighbour cooperative binding. This mode of chromatin interaction could lead to the spreading of HP1 along the nucleosome chain. Here, we reanalysed previous data by representing the nucleosome chain as a 1D binding lattice and showed how the experimental HP1 binding isotherms can be explained by a simpler model without cooperative interactions between neighboring HP1 dimers. Based on these calculations and spatial models of dinucleosomes and nucleosome chains, we propose that binding stoichiometry depends on the nucleosome repeat length (NRL) rather than protein interactions between HP1 dimers. According to our calculations, more open nucleosome arrays with long DNA linkers are characterized by a larger number of binding sites in comparison to chains with a short NRL. Furthermore, we demonstrate by Monte Carlo simulations that the NRL dependent folding of the nucleosome chain can induce allosteric changes of HP1 binding sites. Thus, HP1 chromatin interactions can be modulated by the change of binding stoichiometry and the type of binding to condensed (methylated) and non-condensed (unmethylated) nucleosome arrays in the absence of direct interactions between HP1 dimers

    Dynamic properties of independent chromatin domains measured by correlation spectroscopy in living cells

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    Background: Genome organization into subchromosomal topologically associating domains (TADs) is linked to cell-type-specific gene expression programs. However, dynamic properties of such domains remain elusive, and it is unclear how domain plasticity modulates genomic accessibility for soluble factors. Results: Here, we combine and compare a high-resolution topology analysis of interacting chromatin loci with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements of domain dynamics in single living cells. We identify topologically and dynamically independent chromatin domains of ~1 Mb in size that are best described by a loop-cluster polymer model. Hydrodynamic relaxation times and gyration radii of domains are larger for open (161 ± 15 ms, 297 ± 9 nm) than for dense chromatin (88 ± 7 ms, 243 ± 6 nm) and increase globally upon chromatin hyperacetylation or ATP depletion. Conclusions: Based on the domain structure and dynamics measurements, we propose a loop-cluster model for chromatin domains. It suggests that the regulation of chromatin accessibility for soluble factors displays a significantly stronger dependence on factor concentration than search processes within a static network

    NAP1 Modulates Binding of Linker Histone H1 to Chromatin and Induces an Extended Chromatin Fiber Conformation

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    NAP1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) is a histone chaperone that has been described to bind predominantly to the histone H2A·H2B dimer in the cell during shuttling of histones into the nucleus, nucleosome assembly/remodeling, and transcription. Here it was examined how NAP1 interacts with chromatin fibers isolated from HeLa cells. NAP1 induced a reversible change toward an extended fiber conformation as demonstrated by sedimentation velocity ultracentrifugation experiments. This transition was due to the removal of the linker histone H1. The H2A·H2B dimer remained stably bound to the native fiber fragments and to fibers devoid of linker histone H1. This was in contrast to mononucleosome substrates, which displayed a NAP1-induced removal of a single H2A·H2B dimer from the core particle. The effect of NAP1 on the chromatin fiber structure was examined by scanning/atomic force microscopy. A quantitative image analysis of ∼36,000 nucleosomes revealed an increase of the average internucleosomal distance from 22.3 ± 0.4 to 27.6 ± 0.6 nm, whereas the overall fiber structure was preserved. This change reflects the disintegration of the chromatosome due to binding of H1 to NAP1 as chromatin fibers stripped from H1 showed an average nucleosome distance of 27.4 ± 0.8 nm. The findings suggest a possible role of NAP1 in chromatin remodeling processes involved in transcription and replication by modulating the local linker histone content

    Nucleosome repositioning links DNA (de)methylation and differential CTCF binding during stem cell development

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    During differentiation of embryonic stem cells, chromatin reorganizes to establish cell type-specific expression programs. Here, we have dissected the linkages between DNA methylation (5mC), hydroxymethylation (5hmC), nucleosome repositioning, and binding of the transcription factor CTCF during this process. By integrating MNase-seq and ChIP-seq experiments in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESC) and their differentiated counterparts with biophysical modeling, we found that the interplay between these factors depends on their genomic context. The mostly unmethylated CpG islands have reduced nucleosome occupancy and are enriched in cell type-independent binding sites for CTCF. The few remaining methylated CpG dinucleotides are preferentially associated with nucleosomes. In contrast, outside of CpG islands most CpGs are methylated, and the average methylation density oscillates so that it is highest in the linker region between nucleosomes. Outside CpG islands, binding of TET1, an enzyme that converts 5mC to 5hmC, is associated with labile, MNase-sensitive nucleosomes. Such nucleosomes are poised for eviction in ESCs and become stably bound in differentiated cells where the TET1 and 5hmC levels go down. This process regulates a class of CTCF binding sites outside CpG islands that are occupied by CTCF in ESCs but lose the protein during differentiation. We rationalize this cell type-dependent targeting of CTCF with a quantitative biophysical model of competitive binding with the histone octamer, depending on the TET1, 5hmC, and 5mC state

    Coding RNAs with a non-coding function: Maintenance of open chromatin structure

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    The multi-layered organization of the genome in a large nucleoprotein complex termed chromatin regulates nuclear functions by establishing subcompartments with distinct DNA-associated activities. Here, we demonstrate that RNA plays an important role in maintaining a decondensed and biologically active interphase chromatin conformation in human and mouse cell lines. As shown by RNase A microinjection and fluorescence microscopy imaging, digestion of single-stranded RNAs induced a distinct micrometer scale chromatin aggregation of these decondensed regions. In contrast, pericentric heterochromatin was more resistant to RNase A treatment. We identified a class of coding RNA transcripts that are responsible for this activity, and thus termed these ‘chromatin-interlinking’ RNAs or ciRNAs. The initial chromatin distribution could be restored after RNase A treatment with a purified nuclear RNA fraction that was analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. It comprised long >500 nucleotides (nt) RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcripts that were spliced, depleted of polyadenylation and was enriched with long 3'-untranslated regions (3’-UTRs) above ~800 nt in length. Furthermore, similar reversible changes of the chromatin conformation and the RNAP II distribution were induced by either RNA depletion or RNAP II inhibition. Based on these results we propose that ciRNAs could act as genome organizing architectural factors of actively transcribed chromatin compartments